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Analyzed 2 days ago. based on code collected 4 days ago.
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Average Rating:   4.4/5.0
Number of Ratings:   10
Number of Reviews:   1

My Review of Chamilo LMS

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Most Helpful Reviews

ywarnier says:
Great project already and better...  
written almost 13 years ago

Chamilo is a great project as it is. With version, Chamilo definitely establishes its position as the easiest and most complete GPL e-learning suite around.

You will find no buggy plugins in Chamilo, everything is included. Just click and enable what you want to use. Voice recording, speech synthesis, diagrams drawing, learning paths building, SCORM management, exercises (QTI,HotPotatoes,XLS,HotSpot,etc) is all in there.

The non-profit association behind it ensures a nice collaboration between all members, including private companies regularly contributing to its development. Chamilo is particularly re-known in Europe and Latin America, with a user base of over 400,000 students (ref: http://version.chamilo.org/community.php) in only one year of activity.

Above all, Chamilo is easy. Our users love it (portals frequently reach 10% of "total registered users" connected at the same time at midnight on a Sunday night)

If you want to try it, do it freely at http://campus.chamilo.org!

We love your passion for teaching, so we made this great tool to let you teach better, to more people!

1 out of 2 users found the following review helpful.

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Most Recent Reviews

ywarnier says:
Great project already and better...  
written almost 13 years ago

Chamilo is a great project as it is. With version, Chamilo definitely establishes its position as the easiest and most complete GPL e-learning suite around.

You will find no buggy plugins in Chamilo, everything is included. Just click and enable what you want to use. Voice recording, speech synthesis, diagrams drawing, learning paths building, SCORM management, exercises (QTI,HotPotatoes,XLS,HotSpot,etc) is all in there.

The non-profit association behind it ensures a nice collaboration between all members, including private companies regularly contributing to its development. Chamilo is particularly re-known in Europe and Latin America, with a user base of over 400,000 students (ref: http://version.chamilo.org/community.php) in only one year of activity.

Above all, Chamilo is easy. Our users love it (portals frequently reach 10% of "total registered users" connected at the same time at midnight on a Sunday night)

If you want to try it, do it freely at http://campus.chamilo.org!

We love your passion for teaching, so we made this great tool to let you teach better, to more people!

1 out of 2 users found the following review helpful.

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